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What do we realy see? Context Dictates What We Believe We See

Can you find the Hidden Tiger on picture? If not, click on  the picture. It’s so obvious when you’re told. You can’t not see it aymore. The post bellow is all about it.

How Believing Can Be Seeing: Context Dictates What We Believe We See

 “ScienceDaily – Feb. 19, 2008— Scientists at UCL (University College London) have found the link between what we expect to see, and what our brain tells us we actually saw. The study reveals that the context surrounding what we see is all important — sometimes overriding the evidence gathered by our eyes and even causing us to imagine things which aren’t really there.”

The Neuroscience of Illusion; How tricking the eye reveals the inner workings of the brain 

“By Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen L. MacknikIt’s a fact of neuroscience that everything we experience is actually a figment of our imagination. Although our sensations feel accurate and truthful, they do not necessarily reproduce the physical reality of the outside world. Of course, many experiences in daily life reflect the physical stimuli that enter the brain. But the same neural machinery that interprets actual sensory inputs is also responsible for our dreams, delusions and failings of memory. In other words, the real and the imagined share a physical source in the brain. So take a lesson from Socrates: “All I know is that I know nothing.””


Bellow video September 11 clues is a good example to test the theory. Some people claim that attack by planes on WTC never happened. And zillions of videos and pictures repeated over and over again where we saw that the planes were there…hit WTC. What is true? Shall we believe to Bush (see video below)…repeat over and over again …you got to catapult the propaganda ?!?! If bellow movie would be repeated so many times as official ones what would people believe than? Did people see or they’ve been told what to see.

I don’t wanna judge. Both could be real or no-one of them. But i can doubt …either on this video, official one or  on both on them… That is the privilege of the observer … Worked on commercial TV, I’ve learned one thing: Frequency sell (either talking about news or commercials).  Brains functions are result of evolution in order to successfully  adapt the environment. Many times brain simplifies, generalize, categorize …among zillions of stimulus. The stimulus (either true or not–brain actually doesn’t care) which is the most dominant, become anchor for the whole category. PR or advertising  guys know this wery well.


A rabbit or a duck?   (A plane or a missile?)

And funny video how  propaganda is done by President of United States:

                    …”You got to Catapult the propaganda “

The Political Mindby George Lakoff

Republicans, Lakoff says, understand how “brains and minds work”. If voters are fthinkers and not thinkers, you need to appeal to their emotions. One way to do so is to hitch a ride on a narrative that is already neurally well honed. Some narratives – for example, “rags to riches” – are affective neural superhighways for Americans.

The power of images: Marketing as doublethink


Looking those lines….you know that are straight…but you just can not see them as that …cos the structure of elements blure your mind…

June 8, 2008 Posted by | conspiracy, Documentary, Movies, Music, neuroscience, Politics, psychology | , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment