Compenetration Weblog

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Do Quantum entangelment and Mirror neurons prove that everything and everyone is connected?

 The lowest common denominator of the weekend: wind. Had 5h delay from roundtrip Frankfurt – London” due to strong wind on Friday. Terrible turbulence on air. But than…a lot of time to think and to shop on crowded airport. Bought  Gribbin’s book: In search of Schrodinger’s cat and Vonnegut’s A man without country. So Heathrow has positive sides too.

Saturday’s strong wind made the first this year’s regatta almost scary. Up to 30 knots. But this makes sailing so exciting. To challenge yourself and your fear. Sunday resulted in muscle pain, so perfect excuse to read and watch movies all day long.

This wierd Schrodinger cat made me think. Prologue starts with title “Nothing is real.” Cat could be either dead or alive.  Than i watched again “What the bleep do we know?”  Eye opening, inspiring documentary. How everything is connected. Shift of paradigm..from solid reality toward reality of endless possibilities. Shift from duality toward unity.

 Quantum entangelment

There are objective, nonlocal connections in the universe. In other words, two particles, once they have interacted, will keep interacting forever (their wave functions get entangled forever), thereby apparently breaking the law of locality (that two objects can interact only if they touch each other or if their interaction is mediated by some other object). Two measurements can be related istantaneously even if they are located in regions too far apart for a light signal to travel between them. Non-locality is a fact of nature.”

In other words, Brukner’s result suggests that we might be missing something important in our understanding of how the world works. Maybe that shouldn’t surprise us. After all, entanglement between two spatially separated objects already tells us that space doesn’t really have the form that classical physics says it does: instantaneous cause and effect across cosmological distances is not something that any theory of the universe can cope with. And now Brukner’s result seems to extend this “impossibility” to events separated in time as well. In the meantime,… If, as Ghosh’s result suggests, entanglement can produce macroscopic effects, is it such a stretch to reason that quantum entanglement might be the key to understanding life?

Basically it involves two separate particles behaving as if they were essentially one and the same, even though they are separated by a great distance. Changes to one particle will be mirrored in the other.”

As if plain old quantum entanglement weren’t strange enough for modern physics, now physicists are entangling already entangled particles. In entanglement swapping, one particle of an entangled pair becomes entangled with a third particle, which itself becomes entangled with the other particle in the first pair, even though the two never interact. Here’s how physicists are unraveling this behavior and manipulating it for use in quantum communications and high-speed computing

Mirror neurons


Researchers at UCLA found that cells in the human anterior cingulate, which normally fire when you poke the patient with a needle (”pain neurons”), will also fire when the patient watches another patient being poked. The mirror neurons, it would seem, dissolve the barrier between self and others. [1] I call them “empathy neurons” or “Dalai Llama neurons”. (I wonder how the mirror neurons of a masochist or sadist would respond to another person being poked.) Dissolving the “self vs. other” barrier is the basis of many ethical systems, especially eastern philosophical and mystical traditions. This research implies that mirror neurons can be used to provide rational rather than religious grounds for ethics (although we must be careful not to commit the is/oughtfallacy)(     

 Great video explaining what mirror neurons are:

And got Enigma A posteriori album this weekend. Amazing album!






April 21, 2008 Posted by | books, Daily bites, Documentary, Music, neuroscience, psychology, Quantum physics, Science | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments